Happy 2015, Farewell 2014 and a Little Life Update

Hi everyone! Just wanted to drop a little note to wish everyone a great 2015!

Ive actually been away for the past week on our annual ski trip, so thanks to all who commented on my prescheduled posts, i’m sorry that i haven’t been able to respond – having too much fun!

Anyway 2014 started out feeling like one of my worst years ever – work was a disaster, a lot of horrible backstabbing people around me, a few times i really wanted to break down at work.

But, now that its at an end, it seems like its turned out quite well actually. Because i was upset at work, i took 9 short trips and long vacations to get away. Because of all the bad people i met, i also made a few true friends who fought with me. Because of how i was so upset about my situation, i finally pluck up the courage to leave the place that ive been saying i would leave for years.

And now, my bf just proposed. πŸ™‚

So, on hindsight 2014 has turned out to be a smashing great year! Theres a reason why everything happens; look on the bright side and if something really hurts you, do something about it – it might be the perfect opportunity to change for the better!

So, once again, i hope everyone will have an amazing 2015, stay safe, be healthy and happy, and be true to yourself!

Unboxing: Memebox Colorbox #6 Pastel Hues

My third Colorbox from Memebox… and I suspect it will be the last. Let’s just get on with it because these colorboxes are really making me pissed off with Memebox. But, I must say that this is the least annoying colorbox out of all 3 that I’ve bought.

I bought this as a value set with the Memebox Colorbox #4 and Memebox Colorbox #5 – I only had to pay one standard shipping for 3 boxes with free upgrade to express shipping. The shipping date was fixed on 16 December and I received this on 23 December. The set of 3 boxes cost me USD30 (with a buy 2 get 1 free deal), plus another USD6.99 for shipping from Korea. Individually, it’s priced at USD15, plus another USD6.99 for standard shipping.
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Unboxing: Memebox Colorbox #5 Jewel Tones

I can’t even begin to say why I bought this – brain was not working, too many things on my mind. Shopping is a great therapy! Also, I love jewel tones so just that word suckered me in.

I bought this as a value set with the Memebox Colorbox #4 and Memebox Colorbox #6 Pastel Hues – I only had to pay one standard shipping for 3 boxes with free upgrade to express shipping. The shipping date was fixed on 16 December and I received this on 23 December. The set of 3 boxes cost me USD30 (with a buy 2 get 1 free deal), plus another USD6.99 for shipping from Korea. Individually, it’s priced at USD15, plus another USD6.99 for standard shipping. Continue reading

Unboxing: Memebox Colorbox #4 Electric Brights

I never planned to do this but somehow December has become a month of unboxing, particularly for Memebox. But I promise that these will slow down soon – Memebox has not been launching many new boxes so that’s part of the reason, the other part is that I am feeling alright now so I haven’t been shopping like a mad woman anymore so I’m not expecting too many boxes coming my way after December. Meanwhile, please bear with me and let’s see what’s in the Electric Brights box!
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Review: Maybelline Electro Pop Baby Lips in Berry Bomb

Maybelline Baby Lips lip balms are one of my favourite tinted lip balms in the market, so when I saw these Electro Pop versions popping up in stores, I had to grab one. There are 6 shades available in total, with only 4 being sold in Singapore, but I have enough Baby Lips to last me a few years so amazingly I managed to exercise some restrain and only picked up the purple one in shade Berry Bomb.
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Unboxing: LookFantastic Beauty Box December 2014

The LookFantastic Beauty Box is fast becoming one of my most highly anticipated mystery beauty boxes of the month – I felt that the last two have been really well curated, with great products and good value for what I paid. The box cost me Β£15 inclusive of shipping, approximately SGD32. Let’s see if this month’s box continued to be great!
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$avvy $undays #2: Keeping Track of Your Expenses

I lived on my own for 4 years in London – 3 of which as a student, and 1 as a working adult. For the first year, after paying rent and buying groceries, I had barely anything left. I didn’t even take public transport, instead walking everywhere because I would rather spend that money on food and trips. I used to look at my friends and wonder if they get a lot of pocket money given their lifestyles. But after awhile, I realised that my finances weren’t actually that tight! I had a fair amount of allowances, my parents paid for my school fees, so there was no reason that I had nothing left at the end of the month!

I realised that I had no clue where all my money was going. So I decided to write down every single cent I used. I started off with a little notebook where I penciled in every purchase, no matter how much or how little it costs. I quickly found out I was buying 3 quid Lattes once or twice every single day; it doesn’t seem like much but that’s nearly 30quid in one week, which as a student it’s ridiculous. Back then, 3 quid can get you a full meal set from Subway. I also have a thing for pretty pens and papers, which on their own are pretty cheap, but nobody buys just 1 pen or 1 piece of paper – so it all adds up.
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Unboxing: Memebox Special #67 Blackout!

Another random beauty box that turned up on my door recently – like I mentioned in a previous unboxing post, I bought a lot of beauty boxes during a period of time that I felt really down and shopping was all I did. I really had no idea why I bought some of these…! From the theme of the box, I was expecting some charcoal products, or some ingredients that are black in colour, or something to get rid of black heads. Let’s check it out!
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Unboxing: Memebox Special #66 Petit Treasures

I don’t usually go for cute themes or cute product items because I am a ‘little’ too old for such stuff or be seen holding them, but I was a little depressed back then when this box was out, and I bought everything in sight, which explains why I bought a lot of boxes with themes that I wouldn’t usually get. My house is now overflowing with so much products that I will have to sleep on top of my beauty products soon. Anyway, let’s get back to the box!
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Unboxing: Memebox Super Luckybox #11

I’m going to apologise right now but there will be a ton of unboxing over the next few days – I have a mountain of beauty boxes that suddenly all arrived at the same time! It’s like Christmas came early for me, I love opening up these mystery beauty boxes to find out what’s in them and try them all out but hopefully it won’t be too boring for you readers!
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